At Point-USA, our mission is to keep money spent on customized promotional products within the United States, to maximize the benefit to American manufacturers and their workers, to help ensure that our country's manufacturing skill-set stays here.
For us, Made In USA, means that all, or virtually all, of a product -- including its raw material, processing, assembly, customized imprinting, logistics and distribution -- are made in the U.S.
Most of the items we provide are 100% made in the United States. For example, a tee shirt made from U.S. cotton, with fabric knit, cut and sewn in U.S. facilities, and printed by U.S. screen printers with U.S. inks.
There may be a raw component where the source is unclear. For example, a plastic water bottle may be produced from plastic pellets from a U.S. provider, but the source of the petroleum used to create the pellets may be undetermined (and might be imported). Since the value of the petroleum is less than 10% of the full value of the finished water bottle, we consider the bottle to be Made In USA.
There are times when a component for a product needs to be imported, because of local supply chain issue in order to complete a product. For example, a precision-made, twist-action pen may include a ballpoint ink cartridge refill imported from Germany, since sources for quality U.S. cartridges have disappeared. Since the value of the cartridge is less than 10% of the full value of the finished pen, we consider the pen to be Made In USA.
A few of our items where the cutting, assembly, and imprinting all take place in the United States. but the raw materials are internationally sourced. For example, a round cork coaster imprinted with an organization's logo, may include raw material imported from Portugal. In this case, since the cork is more than 10% of the full value of the coaster, we would state that the coaster is "Made in USA from internationally-sourced material."
We believe that providing items, even with some international components, still stays true to our mission to maximize impact on American manufacturing and American workers, as long as we describe these components as we describe the product.
We source our products from manufacturers located throughout the U.S. and rely in good faith on their claims that items meet our Made In USA standards.
As a manufacturer may change its sourcing, assembly or distribution process over time, or as we determine that the product does not meet our Made In USA standards, we may de-list the manufacturer from our website offering.
We want Point-USA to be your source for imprinted promotional products, where you know that your purchases help you promote your brand and message, and are maximized to make the biggest impact on American manufacturing.